"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." - Mark Twain |
The X-Files Avi video clips and Wav audio files presented on this page are used under the "fair use" doctrine of copyright law. I recieve no compensation for them. They are all very small samples of the full works. They are being used for the benefit of society and their social commentary value. No affiliation between eric gray, "freedombyfaith.com", or The Desert Reef BBS and The Fox Network, the X-Files TV Show, or Chris Carter exists, or is implied. If you are looking for the Official X-Files website, click here! |
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[X-Files Avi 1] |
What the heck are X-Files avis doing here you ask? Well my friends, here on national TV, are some of the most accurate and prophetic words you will hear. I know these files are huge. Sorry. But if you don't watch the show, then you don't have access to these. Sure, it's just a TV show. "Fiction" at that. Right. 15.1Meg. Here's a news article on the X-Files that discusses the very episode these clips are taken from! (archived copy here) But download the clips, too. They are worth it.
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[X-Files Avi 2] |
Part 2 of the above. You will have to unzip these to play them. And you'll need an AVI player that supports Microsoft video compression. MS Media player works perfectly. (Just make sure you have all the video CODECs installed. (See Troubleshooting Video Codecs on the MSKB.) 9.4Meg.
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[Waco gunfire 1] |
Remember when they said they never had any guns in the helicopters during the initial raid of David Koresh's church in Waco Texas? Then they said, "Okay there were guns, but not loaded." Which, when the laughter died down, they then said, "Okay, they were loaded, but no one shot them." Well folks, here you go. This was taken from a Video obtained via the Freedom of Information Act. This video was "shot" from an ATF's personal camcorder. He thought it would be cool to take it along on the raid. Now, I think it's pretty cool too. When you watch and listen to the little AVI you'll have to train your ear a little bit. Understand, this was taken w/a personal camcorder from the inside of the chopper. I put a few seconds of "lead in" so you'll get a notion of the noise "floor." Then as we get closer to the target, you'll hear some "brap, brap, brap.." type noises. This is gunfire coming from the chopper. Anyone who has ever been in the military in a helicopter firing knows this sound instantly. On the tape is sounds different because of the way camcorders record sound. Once you listen to it a few times, you'll hear it clearly. Now order the tape from Brassroots. (In addition, in the movie Waco: The Rules of Engagement, they played an FBI tape of negotiations between Koresh and an ATF agent (Cavanaugh) where he admits they fired from the helicopters!) Tell your friends what really happened. Anyone who voted for the status quo this election should hang their heads in shame! The Waco Hearings were supposed to be about the truth! They COVERED this up too! It was a political grandstand for Schumer and his antigun croonies. This tape was one that was available for viewing! They prohibited it from being shown. Now you know why. (If you'd like more info on Brassroots, click here. The video is being distributed for production and shipping costs. It has been GIVEN to dozens of TV News stations. Not one, that we know of, has played it.) 2.8Meg
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[Waco gunfire 2] |
Remember when the "chairs" of the Waco Hearings said "We want to make it perfectly clear, no FBI agents fired a single shot on the last day of the raid." (The day of the fire.) Now maybe they like to play w/words.... maybe it wasn't an "FBI" agent, and yes, there was not a "single" shot, but someone is firing into the building the last day of the raid. Here is a small packet of FLAIR video clips. Again, get the full video from Brassroots, but here is MORE proof. They LIED. They continue to LIE. 8.4Meg
The Cato Institute's "final word" on Waco (pdf file, but small)
Selected Reading Material Sites. Sometimes if I get a few free moments, I like to see how others are coping and enduring the struggles...
[Just what is freedom?] From Robert Nozick, _Anarchy, State, and Utopia_, 290-292 (1974). What's the difference between a slave and a free person? See if you can tell. Thanks to a fellow patriot for bringing this to my attention!
[US v. Long] The complete
trial transcript for US v. Long, in which Lloyd Long was charged
with Willful Failure To File (Tax Returns, which btw, is not even
named in the statute). Mr. Long won his case! Despite being paid over $40K per
year for the two years in question. Why? How? READ this file! To God goes
the Glory.(204K for the zipped file, 1Meg for the uncompressed text
version, available here) Also, here
are several excellent pages regarding fighting for your rights against the
[Arizona v. Rogers] "An investigatory stop is permissible under the Fourth Amendment if supported by 'reasonable suspicion' that criminal activity is afoot." So... when was the last time you were pulled over for a criminal complaint? Click here to see how this case might be used.
[Stealth Legislation] Claire
Wolfe's excellent essay on the 104th Congress and their insidious actions to
pass legislation by burying it in other legislation. Did you know there are
now 100 pages of "health care crimes" which can lead to the forfeiture of the
patients and/or the doctors assets? How about authorizing random road blocks
to search for guns? How about a national "employment ID card" that is required
to get a job? One which of course requires a Social Security Number. (...no one may buy nor sell without the mark of the Beast or the
number of his name....) ALL TRUE! Print this out, take it to your
congress critter, and ask, one question; "Why?" After you get no answer from
them, take it to your neighbors, co-workers, family and friends and ask them
the same question. (23K)
[Tragedy at Ruby Ridge] Which is the complete Department of Justice internal report on the shooting at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. This came via european source, as the US DoJ refused to release it. (Although it is now widely distributed in this country.) Three people died, several were injured and no one has been held accountable on the side of the United States Government, even though this report recommends such action. (388K)
[EEOC and the SSN] Here's the case where a man was fired because he didn't have a Social Security Number, and refused to get one. The EEOC took the case and the man was reinstated w/back pay and fines were leveled against the employer. Taco Bell tried the same thing, and after their lawyers got this file, they changed their policy. There is no law that says you have to have a SSN, despite what you've been told. And that's a really good thing because,... Revelations 13:16-17, "He [Satan] also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or his forehaed, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name." Folks, here's the plain truth; If you carry around the SSN in your head or on a card in your hand, you are carrying the mark of the beast.(91K)
More information on the SSN:
Learn to use the law when needed. Remember, your religious beliefs are part of your "civil rights." Read how the government views "civil rights cases." Now ask yourself, Has anyone violated your religious beliefs under color of law? Are you a religious objector to the SSN? Can you put it together?
As long as we are on the subject of BIG BROTHER: The release of digital photographs from the State's Driver's License (and Federal resources to follow eventually), the Federal requirement of "unique identifiers" to drives licenses and the "Know Your Customer" bank regulations, you can see Big Brother isn't just some "boogy man" of George Orwell's imagination, but right here, right now. I admit I never thought the two main pages of my website would be linked like this.... but here it is! For more information on this, you need to chk out the Fight the Fingerprint website.
The Supreme Court has stated, the citizen who keeps their mouth shut, is better protected of his or her rights than one who openly cooperates. Even the conservative American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the nations largest and oldest Professional Accountants Organization, has changed it's official policy to "silence is best when it comes to the IRS." (2K)
[IRS Seizure Manual] This is a faithful reproduction of the actual IRS manual for seizing peoples property w/o due process. Bill of Right? What Bill of Rights?(7K)
[The Supreme Courts 7 Rules:] You probably think the United States Supreme Court is there to answer Constitutional questions don't you? Well not if they can help it! In a concurring opinion in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Ashwander v. TVA, 297 US 288 (1936), Justice Brandeis laid out 7 "rules" one must follow to qualify a constitutional question or statutory challenge for consideration by the U.S. Supreme Court. Amazingly, on appeal, one can have the right issue and solid facts, but if one asks the wrong question of the U.S. Supreme Court one's appeal will get the proverbial axe! Realize also that one cannot ask the U.S. Supreme Court a question that has not already been asked of every appellate court visited along the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
[Our Kids] This is one of the most persuasive collection of files I have. It's actually several files all packaged together. (You'll need an unzipper.) Don't let this stuff happen. Don't go away thinking I'm a nut. Read these files, and then sit for a few minutes alone, where you can think undisturbed. There is an orchestrated effort to trivialize religion and rewriting our heritage. If you think 1984 is just a novel, read this.(17K)
[The Declaration of Independence] and the price they paid. Appended to the Declaration is a complete listing of what happened to the 63 men who signed this most heroic document. I hope people read this and rethink what they gave us, and what we've done with it. If it doesn't bring a tear to your eye, check your pulse. (7K)
[WEP.Zip] and [Warpower.Zip] Two files from the work of Dr. Eugene Schroder, a Colorado veterinarian who did the research into the events of 1933 by FDR and what effect they still have today.
"But in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, and in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me. I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis--broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe." From his First Inaugural Address |
In a nutshell, FDR used the emergency powers of the presidential office to change our country from a Republic to a Unconstitutional Dictatorship. Congress rubber stamped his mandates. The Supreme Court struck them down as repugnent to the Constitution. He tried to "pack the court" and was unsuccessful. However, in the natural course of events, enough Justices died or retired so that he could fill the court w/those who shared his goals of a Socialist Federation. FDR was the single biggest traitor to this country. He did far more damage then even Benedict Arnold. He sold America into slavery. (20K and 8K respectively) What did FDR know about Pearl Harbor before December 7th 1941? Want more dirt on FDR? try this.
[Turtle Raid] is the story of a New Jersey Environment Agency Whistle-blower on the armed raid of a families home, to "save the turtles." That's right, an armed raid to confiscate a bunch of turtles. These reports were written by an insider at the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, and he was suspended for writing it. Can you count the number of Constitutional violations? Read this, print it out, and the next time someone tells you it's about "saving the environment" drop this in their laps. It's got nothing to do w/the environment or saving endangered species. It's about freedom and control.
[A MAJOR DECEPTION ON 'GLOBAL WARMING'] is a Wall Street Journal story that appeared last year. It details the account of the UN Environmental lobby changing the scientific conclusions of the agency (their own) in charge of investigating the impact of humans on the environment. To quote:
In my more than 60 years as a member of the scientific community, including service as president of both the National Academy of Sciences and the American Physical Society, I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer-review process than the events that lead to the IPCC report.You be the judge of why they did it. But the man in charge quit because he was so disguisted w/the events that took place. You've got to get envolved. Print this out or go get a copy of the original story as it ran in the WSJ. Make copies. Give them to your fence sitting friends and most important, your "elected" officials. They will be voting based on this tainted report. Billions of your tax dollars will be used to impliment plans to "save the environment" based on this report. Billions of your dollars will go to businesses who have to spend money to impliment the new rules of congress based on this report. And most important: YOUR FREEDOMS will be restricted, and out-right denied, by people using this report.
[On the Right to Rebel Against Governors] - (Election Day Sermon, Boston, 1776, by Samuel West) "To conclude: While we are fighting for liberty, and striving against tyranny, let us remember to fight the good fight of faith, and earnestly seek to be delivered from that bondage of corruption which we are brought into by sin, and that we may be made partakers of the glorious liberty of the sons and children of God: which may the Father of Mercies grant us all, throught Jesus Christ. AMEN." Yes, it's a long sermon, but one that goes deep. If you need a splash in the face of what Liberty is, this might be just what you are looking for! (33K)
["God will hold you to account, Mr. President."] are now the words that will get you accused of threatening the president. That's right, telling the King he's got no clothes on will get you accosted and detained by the Secret Service. (An agency that at one time was considered the "cream of the crop" in law enforcement. Seems now, they've fallen into the same pitiful pit the FBI, ATF, CIA, DEA, et al, have fallen into.) I remind my fellow Americans of Jefferson's words (from his 1st Inaugural Speech) "If there be any among us who [disagree], let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it." I guess William JEFFERSON Clinton doesn't believe in these words, does he? (1K)
However, the Rules of Evidence Ought to be Expanded in Recognition of the Jury's Power to Nullify
Except in extraordinary situations or where required by the Arizona Constitution, juries should not be instructed on the subject of jury nullification. However, relevancy rules should be amended or interpreted to permit greater latitude in evidence in recognition of the jury's undoubted power to nullify the law. For example, evidence of the defendant's intent and motive ought to be received.
I don't understand. If the Arizona Supreme Court's committe recognizes "the jury's undoubted power to nullify the law" then why are they not so instructed except in "extraordinary situations or where required by the Arizona Constitution?" Can you say "double speak?" Maybe you should tell your friends and neighbors about this? Perhaps start asking more questions about it? Other sites regarding the Lawful actions and Rights of Juries:
The Oklahoma City / McVeigh trail transcripts: [First Week] [Second Week] [Third Week] [Fourth Week] [Fifth Week]
[I Think We Are Being Programmed] Self-explanatory. One of my recent ramblings.
[Cats!] We've got to be smarter than cats!
[A Birthday Card] to Franklin D. Roosevelt on his birthday, January 30th, 1882.
[With Retrospect...] My view on how the last 60 years will be viewed by history.
[Why guns] are, always have been, and always will be a part of what it means to be an American.
[My First Silver Dollar] is the source of inspiration for this literary work.
[Coin v. Paper money] The difference between them, and why one is prefered over the other.
[FIGHT IT!] My theories on fighting for your rights in the 1990's.
[My review] of Waco: The Rules of Engagement.
[Brassroots] and [ Brassroots Links page] The links page is so good I've just linked to it instead of creating another one. If you are looking for other people/organizations that are concerned with preserving what is left of the Bill of Rights, here's where you start.
[The Citizens Rule Book] is probably responsible for more people waking up to Liberty and Patriotism than anything published in the past 30 years. This tiny little book does a wonderful job presenting the cause for Liberty. Well now it's on the Web. I strongly recommend you check it out.
[WorldNetDaily] is a modern, newspaper style website that offers news from a different perspective. They are one of the handful of sites that have been reporting on the real issues of our times. I strongly recommend you check them out.
[Shelly Waxman] is a Libertarian Lawyer. (Yes, they really do exist!) This link is to Chapter 12 of his book, Memoirs of a Libertarian Lawyer, and tells the story of how the Federal Government, using whatever agency it needed, seperated him from his Client, a well publicized "tax protestor." If this does not convince you of the depth of the conspiracy to defraud the American public, well then, I'll just say it... You are stupid.
[IRS Abuse Reports] is fifty (50) pages of people's horror stories w/the IRS. Be sure to check out The Oath (aka USA v. Ward) for some very enlightening news for those donning of the Armor of God.
[The Foutain of Truth] Doug Newmans' fine home page.
[Harold Thomas's Excellent Page.] A very good collection of information and links.
[Fahrenheit 451.2: Is Cyberspace Burning?] The ACLU get's one right!
[Peacefire] - While other teenagers are plunking quarters into video games, this kid is trying to save your 1st Amendment rights! In a word, "Who is watching the watchers?" You might not agree w/all his beliefs, but the principle is the issue here.
"It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe - Author 101 Things you do 'till the Revolution |
Loren C. Troescher appeals an order of the district court compelling him to appear before the Internal Revenue Service to answer questions and produce documents.*fn1 The IRS issued the summons after Troescher apparently failed to file income tax returns for several years. Troescher argues that the district court erred in rejecting his assertion of the Fifth Amendment's privilege against self-incrimination. We agree, and therefore vacate the order and remand to the district court for reconsideration in light of this opinion.
Accordingly, because we conclude -- in light of the law of this circuit, and in light of the government's confession of error on appeal -- that there is no "Tax-Crime Exception" to the Fifth Amendment, we vacate the order of the district court and remand for further proceedings so that it may dispose of the matter before it in accordance with the law that governs the invocation of the Fifth Amendment.
by REINHARDT, 9th Circuit Judge, November 19th (or so) 1996
[F.E.A.R. Needs our help!] This is a group fighting against the asset forfeiture laws. Again, another group we can embrace to fight together for our freedoms.
[The Death of David Aguilar,] a tragedy that begs investigation. Just about everyone has forgotten all about this, but a DEA agent shot and killed a man, yet no one has been held accountable. Read about it here.
[Quotes] contains many well known famous, and a few not so well known, quotes regarding our country and Liberty in general.
[105th Congress Email] addresses! Please put them to good use!
Lastly, something to think about....
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complaceny to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependency back again into bondage.
Fraser Tyler, English historian - written while the U.S. was still a British colony. Where do you think we are in this cycle today?
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