-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- "Coin" v. "make" Time and time I get into this discussion w/various folks about money, what the state and/or federal government can or cannot do, whether the Federal Reserve Note is legal etc. And dispite the most thorough of discussions, people STILL don't understand the problem and it dawned on my why: as usual, it's the basics. - - - From the Constitution: Section 8. The Congress shall have power ... ... To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; ... To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States; and Section 10. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. Now from Black's Law Dictionary (4th edition): COIN v. To fashion pieces of metal into a prescribed shape, weight, and degree of fineness, and stamp them w/the prescribed devices, by authority of government, in order that they may circulate as money. COIN n. Pieces of gold, silver, or other metal fashioned in to a prescribed shape, weight and degree of fineness, and stamped, by authority of goverment with certain marks and devices, and put into circulation as money at a fixed value. Then as a subnote below this definition, it says: (and VERY important): Strictly speaking, coin differs from money, as the species differs from the genus. Money is any matter, whether metal, paper, beads, shells, etc. which has currency as a medium in commerce. Coin is a particular species, always made of metal, and struck according to a certain process called "coinage." Now the above sections of the Constitution make sense. Or I hope they do! What our Constitution says is, of all the possible "monies" of the world, only "coin" (the noun) would be the one for this country. It's also saying that states can't ACCEPT anything BUT coin (noun) as payment on debts. It also says the Congress shall coin (verb) money. To sum up the verb defination above best would be the word "certify." In other words, the actual METAL is the money, and congress is charged w/making sure it's pure ("fineness"), it's of the proper weight and measure ("stamp") and that a specific amount of metal will equal one dollar (or whatever we are going to call our money) and it's donominations. ("authority of goverment with certain marks and devices, and put into circulation as money at a fixed value.") The Constitution also says that the METAL of the coin must be gold or silver. Also notice the use of the word "put." I do not know if we can agree that "PUT" means "spend" but one thing is for sure, "put" does NOT mean LEND in to circulation. So when I say the Fed. Gov. has no authority to "make" money, I AM 100% correct. The Constitution says our money shall be "coin." Coin is made of metal. Metal is from the earth. It's a natural resourse. It's "creator" made. The Fed. Gov. only has the authority to say X no. of ounces of this particular metal (Gold or Silver) is one dollar. This is NOT the same as _making_ money. And PAPER is NOT money. Show me the Amendment to the Constitution that changed our money from coin, to paper, (or beads or shells.) FRNs are NOT money, nor currency and NO STATE may accept them as such. Quarters, dimes, and nickels ARE legal money. (Well sort of, as there is almost no silver in any of these, and certainly no gold.) But the part of the coin that has silver in it, that is the actual money. Pennies are not legal money for this country, and neither are any of the WORTHLESS pieces of paper in your wallet. And no business is required to accept anything BUT gold or silver coin as payment. What if we started "cashing" our checks and demanding GOLD or Silver coin? Next time you "cash" your government drawn check, demand Gold or Silver coin. Okay, now the obligatory "proof." (No one seems to be able to think for themselves anymore, so they always need to "see" something before they will believe it....) Okay, here it is: - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - From : PAUL NIXON Number : 3093 of 3101 To : ALL Date : 11/26/95 2:03pm Subject : Coinage Reference : NONE Read : [N/A] Private : NO Conf : 188 - Freedom's Voice TJ One of the best ways I know of was originated by a man named Roger in our local group. The subject is near and dear to almost everyones heart (MONEY), and is really very provocative. First, you must have both a U.S. dollar of silver, and a One FRN (Federal Reserve Note, amka (also MISTAKENLY known as) a 'dollar'. Then... 1) Hand them the dollar of silver and ask them to read the large print on it (the text you are looking for is 'United States of America', and 'One Dollar'). 2) Hand them the FRN, and ask them to do the same (you are looking for the same answers). 3) Now, ask them WHY it takes anywhere from 7-10 of the FRN's to buy ONE of the dollars of silver. They BOTH say 'One Dollar' on them, do they not? This should AT LEAST get some puzzled looks, and at BEST some interest and hopefully some questions. 4) Next, ask them what word is on the dollar of silver (and ALL OTHER U.S. coins, even the pot-metal crap we use today) that is NOT found on ANY paper currency, and what is the SIGNIFICANCE of it. The word you are looking for is 'Liberty'. The significance is the fact that ALL paper currency MUST be BORROWED into sirculation, while ALL COINS are NOT. Liberty=DEBT FREE! The last one is my own, although it was someone else who pointed out the word and it's significance (although I was already aware of the fact that coins were unborrowed, I had seen but never 'noticed' the word Liberty. FWIW Charles - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I thank, Roger, Charles and Paul. I only wish I had noticed it first!! :) But you can read about my experience in SILVER$.TXT. eric Without Prejudice, all rights reserved, 1995 Eric Gray - The Desert Reef BBS - c/o 3705 N. Runway, Tucson, Arizona, postal zone 85705. Electronic "e-text" Non-profit Distribution permitted. Any other use requires written permission from the author. ALL uses require forwarding of publication to the author to above address or via email to ericg@flash.net or Fido 1:300/507. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 Comment: Envoke your privacy rights NOW or lose them forever! iQEVAwUBMoiJ++63DSRNsmDVAQELiQf8D8sTCM/86/414tpqmZEUP7t06pkOGBP0 8rjnvwDJKkN4GWECDbJVKiZFWtB5nmMDBD0euQr31+j4/gC/AhRlehWdYkKoxoqc wm8L97MnW7kA8VYk+bnZHzKWdeDW5hUwfprlCOSD7KOXVPP6icvFZ9GC9zO+Ccff gdX1JYfn+N1xG8we8+utJkFQl/T2U+ZsdxpdcKZR7Yi2Pe12lt0oly1oFIsyhhQF u7Cl/qYXjVqQ/vTn/KlDDl9lTXPh/CuyRGj4fAbet5wy1bMLsmNu0ewbXj84kA+e ySBYGz8KFCUSbxnSxgGXaOCndATKcPe5G5QEq3ApSV4n7wuxnkGqTg== =xRrz -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----